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  • One Year In: Key Insights on AI Policy one year into the GenAI era

One Year In: Key Insights on AI Policy one year into the GenAI era

Delve team unpacks the rapidly evolving AI policy landscape for public affairs professionals

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly woven into the fabric of our industries and daily lives, and with the advent of Generative AI over the past year, understanding the intricacies of AI policy is no longer a niche specialty—it's a necessity for those across a range of industries.

The landscape of AI regulation is evolving rapidly to meet this moment. Our recent Delve AI webinar with Delve's CEO Jeff Berkowitz and lead AI analyst Kyle Huwa provided a comprehensive overview of these developments.

Here’s what you missed in the presentation:

The Acceleration of AI: Jeff underscored the technological advancements that have paved the way for AI's current capabilities, and noted we’re witnessing a pivotal moment in which AI's readiness for prime time marks a shift from theoretical to practical applications across a wide range of industries.

👀 Regulatory Focus: Kyle highlighted the Biden Administration's whole-of-government approach to AI regulation. This is not limited to the recent executive order but is part of a broader, multi-agency initiative to shape AI's use and development. These efforts, though beginning with areas of existing authority like federal purchasing rules, are expected to influence private sector practices as well and drive priorities for legislative action.

😬 Congressional (In)action: Despite bipartisan interest in AI regulation, the webinar stressed the likelihood of legislative gridlock in the current polarized political climate. However, narrow, focused bills could be a pathway to policy progress in the short term.

🌊 State-level Legislation: A surge in state legislation related to AI is anticipated in 2024. States are preparing to address AI's wide-ranging impact, from employment to civil liberties.

🌍 The Global Sprint to Set AI Standards: EU's AI Act and UK's ambitions in AI governance highlight the global race to set AI regulations. The 'Brussels Effect' suggests that EU's regulations could set a de facto global standard, influencing international and state-level policies.

🤝 A Diverse Range of Stakeholder Influence: Jeff mapped out the diverse stakeholders shaping AI policy debates, from tech giants to civil rights activists. The discussion emphasized the broad spectrum of interests, including law enforcement and national security concerns, democracy and civil rights advocates, and creators and publishers focused on intellectual property rights. 

💼 Industry Implications: The webinar underscored the necessity for public affairs professionals to become conversant with AI policy quickly. AI's pervasive impact means no sector is immune to the consequences of regulatory decisions.

💡 Delve's Role: DelveInto.AI is a resource designed to equip professionals with in-depth analysis, daily tracking, and actionable intelligence on AI policy developments. If you are not already a subscriber, sign up for a one-week trial to Delve's premium offerings to see firsthand the platform's value, and check out our in-depth risk assessments of the Federal, State, and European policy landscapes.