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  • Nov. 27: AI Policy and Stakeholder Tracking Report

Nov. 27: AI Policy and Stakeholder Tracking Report

Driving The Day

Today is November 27, 2023, and here are the key policymaker and stakeholder actions on AI you need to know: U.S. and U.K. cybersecurity agencies released joint guidelines formulated with agencies from the rest of the G-7 and other countries to help AI developers better secure their products. In California, the state agency in charge of data privacy released proposed rules governing how companies can use consumer data with AI decision-making tools. Russian President Vladimir Putin is pushing a national strategy to develop Russian AI. Meanwhile, some tech executives are expressing concern that large tech companies may have too much control over the development of AI, which some fear will have an outsized impact on society.

In this issue:

  • Washington in Focus: The Pentagon's AI initiatives accelerate hard decisions on lethal autonomous weapons.

  • Around the Nation: For teen girls victimized by ‘deepfake’ nude photos, there are few, if any, pathways to recourse in most states.

  • Across the Pond: Members of the European Parliament are closing ranks to ask for tighter rules for powerful AI models under the AI Act.

  • Global Highlights: The US wants Vietnam to be its new tech best friend.

  • Outside Views: How AI’s ‘spicy-mayo’ problem is driving consideration of uncensored models.

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