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  • Nov. 13: AI Policy and Stakeholder Tracking Report

Nov. 13: AI Policy and Stakeholder Tracking Report

Driving The Day

Today is November 13, 2023, and here are the key policymaker and stakeholder actions on AI you need to know: In Washington, congressional committees will hold several AI hearings this week, including one focused on U.S. global leadership in AI. A bill proposed in the Wisconsin legislature would require AI-generated political ads to include disclosures. In Europe, a disagreement on whether to regulate AI foundation models poses a serious roadblock for the AI Act. Finally, a U.S. judge narrowed a copyright lawsuit filed against Meta by authors, including comedian Sarah Silverman, who believe the company violated their intellectual property rights when training its large language model.

In this issue:

  • Washington in Focus: Did Majority Leader Chuck Schumer come out against top-down AI licensing?

  • Around the Nation: A working group in the Connecticut legislature is contemplating AI rules for businesses.

  • Across the Pond: U.K. Science Secretary Michelle Donelan: The government is not rushing into new AI laws.

  • Global Highlights: Can the EU and its allies cooperate with China on AI safety standards?

  • Outside Views: The Hollywood actors union board approves strike-ending deal as its leaders tout money gains and AI rights.

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