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  • Jan. 31: AI Policy and Stakeholder Tracking Report

Jan. 31: AI Policy and Stakeholder Tracking Report

Driving The Day

Today is January 31, 2024, and here are the key policymaker and stakeholder actions on AI you need to know: Following the spread of obscene deepfake images of Taylor Swift, a bipartisan group of senators on Capitol Hill introduced legislation that would establish a civil remedy for those harmed by deepfakes. According to a poll by the AI Policy Institute, 84% of voters support requiring companies to restrict the generation of deepfake pornography with their AI models. Meanwhile, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-WA) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) sent a letter to the Election Assistance Commission urging it to help local election officials address AI disinformation. In Washington state, Gov. Jay Inslee (D) signed an executive order to address the use of AI by state agencies.

In this issue:

  • Washington in Focus: Congress confronts security risks as it seeks to expand Capitol Hill’s AI use.

  • Around the Nation: A bill proposed in Arizona would prohibit the use of AI for vote counting and other election processes.

  • Across the Pond: If the US and EU don’t set AI standards, China will first, say Gina Raimondo and Margrethe Vestager.

  • Global Highlights: Australia’s Assistant Treasurer argues AI regulation should focus on the harms caused by AI, not the tech itself.

  • Outside Views: Hurd says he was ‘freaked out’ by briefing while on OpenAI board.

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