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  • Jan. 22: AI Policy and Stakeholder Tracking Report

Jan. 22: AI Policy and Stakeholder Tracking Report

Driving The Day

Today is January 22, 2024, and here are the key policymaker and stakeholder actions on AI you need to know: In Washington, Politico reports the FTC and DOJ are in talks to determine which agency can probe the competition issues surrounding OpenAI and Microsoft’s partnership on AI. Lawmakers in the Hawaii legislature introduced several AI-focused bills, including one that establishes an AI safety agency with a broad regulatory mandate. After weeks of negotiation on the final language for the EU’s AI Act, EU member states received draft text over the weekend, which has since leaked to the public. Member states have just days to review the language, and France is still pushing for changes. 

In this issue:

  • Washington in Focus: The White House held a meeting with outside stakeholders on competition policy and AI.

  • Around the Nation: New Hampshire is close to having its own data privacy law.

  • Across the Pond: In France, a legislative commission wants the EU to revisit its 2019 Copyright Directive in light of AI technology advances.

  • Global Highlights: The CEO of Nvidia made his first China tour in years.

  • Outside Views: Humans are still cheaper than AI in the vast majority of jobs, an MIT study finds.

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