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  • Feb. 8: AI Policy and Stakeholder Tracking Report

Feb. 8: AI Policy and Stakeholder Tracking Report

Driving The Day

Today is February 8, 2024, and here are the key policymaker and stakeholder actions on AI you need to know: In Washington, the FCC banned the use of generative AI in robocalls, and the Biden Administration announced a 200-member consortium of companies and organizations that will help the U.S. AI Safety Institute develop guidelines and implement other requirements of President Biden’s AI executive order. In California, a proposed bill would require companies to test their AI models before their release. In Europe, the EU will soon require large tech companies to label content that was made with AI.

In this issue:

  • Washington in Focus: American firms invested $1 billion in Chinese chips, lawmakers find.

  • Around the Nation: In Illinois, a proposed bill would require disclaimers on any advertisement containing AI generated content.

  • Across the Pond: French competition watchdog starts inquiry on big tech’s role in AI industry.

  • Global Highlights: Meta may not bring some products to Canada unless proposed AI law changed, Parliament told.

  • Outside Views: Google joins AI watermarking coalition as deepfakes hit mainstream tech platforms.

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